Reason #472

I'm severely suffering from a one-track mind. All I can think about is next Friday. All I want to think about it sitting on the beach, next to my husband, without a care in the world. I have lost just about all of my motivation, and my productivity level has dropped drastically. My patience is at an all time low, and I'm driving myself crazy counting down the days. As exciting as this time is, it's almost too exciting that I can hardly stand it. And so I can't really sleep, I can't really think about anything else, and all I want to do is just fast forward to May 10.

Good things seem to drag out forever, don't they? The anticpation of a trip, a new car, a baby, a wedding, a new job, moving, holidays, birthdays. All good things seem to take their time to arrive, don't they? And yet when all is said and done, you look back and you think, "Holy cow, that flew by." In fact, I may find myself quoting this very post on April 30, 2014 to confirm that yes, time really does fly. But this is no surprise. Because it seems like just last week it was Christmas and Aaron was proposing. And it seemed like it was the other day that we were finally in the double digits, excited to be a few months out. And it seems like hardly any time has passed since I started my job, but that was 4 months ago. College graduation was just yesterday, and Scout is still supposed to be a puppy. It's amazing how quickly time does fly yet how well we remember these things. And so this is what I'm challenging myself with right now. To remember these days. To remember what they felt like. To recall the excitement and the anticipation. To remember the joy and happiness that continues to flood my days. To push away the feelings of anxiety and impatience. To relish in this time, as it is not going to ever come around again. This is it, and I don't want to remember the last few days as days that were full of nerves on edge and emotions that were flying all over the place. I want to remember it as perfect and fun so that one day, I can tell my (hopefully) daughter about it. I can be honest, too and say, "It was a fun time. It was packed full of precious memories and sweet moments. It was absolutely perfect, in my opinion. Just how I imagined it would be." And maybe that's a lot to expect from one single event, but I don't think so. Because what makes this time precious and perfect is not the flowers or decorations. It's not the dress or the photography or the cake. It's not the venue, the music, the food or the weather. It's perfect because this has been ordained by God. It's perfect because God took the perfect person for me, and He blessed me with the opportunity to be his bride. It's perfect because God has met the desires of my heart in ways I never thought possible, and it's perfect because it's truly was meant to be.

And so as much as I'm hoping and praying that the days will be busy and the nights will, too, I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. Trying to make the most out of this occassion because this is it. We aren't doing this ever again, and so I want to have nothing but good memories to fall back on. And I just praise the Lord for giving me this time, for giving me the desires of my heart, and for helping me every step of the way through it.

#472 - For this time.

"I said to the Lord, “You are my Master! Every good thing I have comes from you.” - Psalm 16:2


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