Reason #263

My alarm clock went off at 8:00AM. It was supposed to go off at 7:00AM. I'm not sure how that happened, not sure when that extra hour got added in. The hour between my phone alarm going off at 7:00 and my alarm clock going off at 8:00 seemed as if it only lasted a few minutes, so imagine my surprise when I realized my eyes were not playing tricks on me and I was running an hour behind.

I've found this to be the case in life. Rarely does life happen right on time. It either comes too early or catches you off guard. You speed up to wait and then wish to slow down when things speed up. I've found myself, once again, in this cycle of waiting. Back in the cycle of the unknown. Truthfully, I suppose there aren't a lot of known things in life, and so you have moments when life catches you off guard. You are strolling through life at a decently solid pace, adjusting to circumstances and just when you feel settled, the unexpected shows up. Just when you figured it out, you realize you didn't have it figured out at all. So now what? What to do? My Type-A friends understand this. The stress of uncertainty, the anxiety of the unknown. As much as part of me wants to fast forward to see what's around the corner, the other part of me wants to just pause. Because what if I don't like what's around the corner? What if it's different than I thought it would be? What if it's worse? And so, once again, I find myself in a state of not knowing what to do. A little scared, a little sad, and mostly just unsure.

Well, this isn't the first time I've been here. This is familiar territory, almost like home to me. And I realize this is still a lesson I have yet to learn. But I've learned a little, and still, it can be a challenge to live it out.

"Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have." - Philippians 4:11

Contentment. Be satisfied with what you've been given, with what you have. I think part of the fear of the unknown is not knowing for sure whether or not you'll get what you want. Maybe it's just me, but that seems to be the case most often and particularly right now, so I suppose that's why the Lord keeps teaching me this lesson. Be content. Quit wanting and wishing and be grateful for what I've got right now. Be satisfied and thankful for the things He has given me because I have what I need. I have exactly what I need to satisfy. I have more than enough, truthfully. And maybe I don't know what will come, I'm not certain that I'll get what I want or that I'll even know what to expect anytime soon, but I'm grateful that the Lord doesn't give up on me when I'm thick-headed. I'm grateful that He presents me with opportunities to learn, to be challenged and to be changed. So, I'm a work in progress. A girl who is trying to really learn the true meaning of being content in whatever she has, whatever situation she's in. Because I know He will give me what I need, and, like all things in life, you can't go back. So be content in the present, be satisfied, and wait for what's to come... whatever it may be.

#263 - Because He faithfully works with me through all of life's lessons.

"After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can’t take anything with us when we leave it. So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content." - 1 Timothy 6:7-8


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