Reason #280

Today was a full day. A day full of surprises, suspense, new adventures and first experiences. Today I managed to successfully drive myself and Aaron to Dallas for a weekend trip. I've never driven in Dallas before... ever. Every time I've been on a road trip, I've always been the passenger. It's a lot of responsibility being the driver. Because this trip was a surprise, I did my best to keep our final destination a secret as long as possible. I am terrible with directions, absolutely terrible. I know how to get around Lubbock, but start throwing in highways and interstates and I'm lost. We took the "back roads," which was suggested to me by many people, and this just so happened to be the way I am least familiar with. I "googled" directions and printed them out before I left my house. This isn't, by any means, the most productive way to get directions, but for a technologically challenged girl, this was the best I could come up with. I made it to the half way point before I finally admitted that I needed to use GPS. I needed the help. Because truth is, I really didn't know where I was going. I had a general idea, but I needed the help.

A few hours later, I found myself feeling just a tad bit more tense as we were right in the middle of DFW traffic. I'm a small town girl. I also suffer from a slight case of road rage and am quite impatient. I began to get a little nervous because the drive was becoming increasingly more complicated. There were tons of turns and exits and I didn't know what I needed to take. I finally broke down, handed the GPS to Aaron and let him tell me where to go. He did a great job of navigating me safely and succesfully right to the front steps of his sister's apartment. We made it in one piece... and right on time!

I like to be behind the wheel. Who doesn't?! Who doesn't like to be in charge and determine where they're going? So I do this in life all the time. I begin moving forward feeling slightly confident of the direction I'm heading. I feel like I have a general direction of where I'm going. Maybe I've been there before, so I think I can remember how to get back. Maybe I'm feeling a little adventuresome so I decided to chance it and see if I can figure it out. Maybe I'm just not that prepared and am hoping that somehow, someway I'll be able to figure out where to go by reading the signs along the way. Whatever the reason, I've headed out on my own before determined to get to my destination based on my own imperfect, and often misguided, human knowledge. But the road gets tricky sometimes. Unexpected turns show up, there are detours and construction that you weren't anticipating, you get re-routed. The speed picks up, the traffic does too and all of the sudden you're flying down a huge stretch of road unsure of where to go. The sun is setting, it's getting darker and so the panic sets in. Which turn do you take when there are so many? How can you find your way when you've never really been here before? And so you finally stop trying to figure it out on your own and you ask. Ask Him for help. Ask Him to show you the way to take. Because He will. When you realize you don't know where you're going, don't keep going. Don't get yourself lost for no apparent reason. Seek His guidance. And maybe that means you have to give up some control. Maybe that means you have to admit you're unsure. But it's okay. Because He wants to get you there safely. He wants to make sure you successfully arrive at your final destination. He won't mislead you. He won't send you in the wrong direction. Rather, He'll come beside you, calm your worries, and with patience and love, He'll tell you right where to go. And when you let Him guide you, when you allow Him to show you the way, you'll always arrive in one piece... and right on time!

#280 - Because He faithfully guides us anytime we ask for help.

"Yet I still belong to you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny." - Psalm 73:23-24


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