Reason #278

I love surprises and I love making plans. Really, I probably love making plans more than I love surprises, but both are really fun. I have a plan for everything. I am all about the details, and the more detailed the plan, the better.

God is so good to teach me though my day to day activities. Sometimes, we feel like we just have a hard time hearing Him. But I think we complicate it too much. We think too hard, we make it difficult, and we overlook it. Because as complex as God's ways can be, He often times makes things so simple. I love that about Him. I love that He can take any situation and teach me something from it. Mostly, I love that every lesson He teaches me reminds me of how great His love is for me.

I have been in full-on event planning mode this month. Aaron's birthday is coming up, so for a few weeks now I have been crafting a birthday celebration. I did have to let him in on the surprise a little, but I've withheld a lot of information from him. Really, the only thing he knows is that the birthday celebration will take place this weekend. As I have put together this little surprise, I have tried to tailor it just for him. Over the months, I've made mental notes of the things we've talked about. I've intentionally listened to the things he has told me and have tried my best to remember his likes and dislikes. And so I've done my best to incorporate these things in the plan. With each detail, I've considered him. Because the thing is, I want him to like it. I want him to enjoy what's in store. And so, in my opinion, there are some really good things coming his way. He has no control over what is going to take place this weekend, but I do. I know how every moment will be spent, I know where he'll be, and when he'll be there. Right now, he has no clue what to expect. He's asked some questions and he's yet to receive an answer. I'm not telling him for a reason. I want him to wait to and find out. And when he needs to know, he'll know. So, really, all he can do at this point is just go along with it and trust me. Trust that I've got it under control, and trust that it's going to be good. After all, he'll get his questions answered eventually. Really, the anticipation is part of the adventure anyway!

And as I've crafted this plan, as I've enjoyed knowing what will occur, and as I anticipate his reaction to it all, I've thought about how God does this for me, too. Because if anyone is about having a detailed plan, it's God. And here's the thing, each of us has our own. Our very own, specially crafted plan. A plan that is tailored perfectly for us. Because God knows our hearts. He knows what we like, what we don't like, what we desire and what we need. And as I've looked back over my life, over the part of the plan I can now reflect on, I see how He was incorporating those very personal details into my plan. But sometimes we begin to worry because we don't know the full plan. Sure, we know that He's got one for us, but what is it? Where does it take us? What's in store, and when we will find out? And so we spend a lot of time trying our best to figure it out. We ask our questions and get frustrated when we don't get an immediate answer or the answer we want. But why? Since when has God not done what's best for us? Since when has His plan never been perfect? Exactly my point. And when you think about it in that fashion, being out of the loop doesn't seem so bad, does it? Because here's what we do know. God has a plan, a good one at that, and He knows exactly what's supposed to happen and when it's supposed to happen. It will come to fruition one way or another. Eventually, all of our questions will be answered. And so you just simply have to trust. Trust and wait for it to play out. Because it will. One day, the plan will be complete. So enjoy the anticipation. Enjoy the thrill of the adventure. And know that eventually, you'll look back on it all and you'll be amazed at what He did and how He did it, at how perfectly it all worked out, and your heart will be forever grateful.

#278 - Because of His perfectly tailored, detailed plans.

"The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives." - Psalm 37:23


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