Reason #276

It has already been a crazy week, and it's only Monday. The past two days have been packed full of totally, completely unexpected things. Some good, some not so good. And so if the past two days have gone this way, I can only imagine what the rest of the week holds in store.

What is it about fall that causes us to be so busy? For some reason, the last 3 months of the year are always hectic. They fly by and the next thing you know, the year is over. So I find myself running around like a mad-woman. Trying to accomplish a lot of tasks in a short amount of time.

Yesterday was one of those days. A day that continued on for quite a bit. I left for church early in the morning, came home for a few short minutes before heading out to accomplish what I needed to do during the afternoon, came back for a few more short minutes and was gone the rest of the evening. Really, I think I spent maybe an hour total at my house yesterday. Scout and I usually enjoy Sunday afternoons together. Sundays are lazy days, so we lounge around and don't accomplish much. Well, yesterday she was on her own. As you know from my previous post, she and I are best buds. It's amazing the impact a little furry creature can have on your life. Anyhow, we hardly saw each other yesterday. I got home in time to go to bed, so our time together was short. Of course, she sleeps right next to me, but I don't really count those hours. Now, I realize I probably project feelings on Scout that she doesn't actually feel. I do understand animals and humans don't have the same emotions or thought processes, but if you have a pet, you know what I'm talking about. I could tell she missed me. And so today, she was pretty clingy. Today, she made sure to stay close by. If it appeared that I might be leaving, she made a bee-line to the back door. She doesn't take our time together for granted. No, she trys to keep my company as long as she can. She makes sure I know how much she enjoys my presence, and she lets me know that there is no where else she'd rather be than right beside me.

Scout teaches me a lot. Really, she does. This little, sweet creature knows how to love unconditionally. She knows what loyalty looks like because she practices it day in and day out. And I thought about how often I do this with the Lord, too. I get so busy. I do. I have a lot going on, and even when it seems like there isn't much going on, really, there is. Most of us have an unending "to-do" list that only gets whittled down yet never completely accomplished. We begin to run here and there. And so the Lord waits for us. Patiently, He asks us to spend time with Him. He makes Himself available to us, but we brush by Him as we head out the door to our next appointment. Next thing we know, it's the end of the day and we've run out of time. The only hours left are dedicated to sleeping, and those hours don't count. The cycle is vicious. It repeats itself day after day. And what a shame it is. Because we're greatly missing out. Denying ourselves the joy of keeping company with the Lord Almight, the Creator of the Universe, the Giver of Life. And so the time finally comes where we have to stop. We have to quit running and doing and make a decision to spend time with Him. And you know what happens when you do that? You quickly realize how much you missed Him. You realize how often you take His presence for granted. Because He's always there waiting on us to slow down and acknowlege Him. To sit at His feet for a bit and just enjoy simply being near. And once you do that, once you've tasted the goodness of His sweet company, you'll quickly realize that there is no where else you'd rather be than right at His side.

#276 - Because He desires to bless us with the joy of His company every day.

"Taste and see that the LORD is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!" - Psalm 34:8


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