Reason #868

It's not God's fault. But it has to be someone's, right? We like to place blame. We want there to be a responsible party. And we want a reason to justify how we feel, why we're acting the way we've acted, and why we made those choices.

You know what I'm talking about. Those choices that almost ruined your life. Those choices that changed not only the course of your life but probably someone else's, too. And so we want to find who is at fault. If this particular event hadn't happened, if my family life would have been better, if I wouldn't have been sick, if my job was going better, if they had treated me differently, this wouldn't have happened. Or would it have? But we blame God and say, "You let this happen. You let them leave. You let me lose my job. You let me make that bad decision. You let me fall into this addiction. You let them treat me that way. I was forced into doing this. It was your fault."

It's not God's fault. God gives us free will, and because of that you get to decide. Sure, some things might happen to you that you didn't originally decide, but someone else decided. And that's the thing, if God allows you free will then He has to allow everyone else free will. After all, isn't that fair? And, you know, we all wanted to be treated fairly.

So maybe it is your fault. Maybe it is someone else's fault. That's really neither here nor there. Determining who is at fault rarely makes us feel any better. Yet the beauty of it is that even though it's human decisions that landed us where we are, even though it is not God's fault, God always has a solution.

I look at things in my life and I question why they were allowed to happen. It's those thing in which I wished, at the time, God would have temporarily removed free will and only let me decide. But God didn't, and that's okay. He didn't "make" any one decide or act one way or another. But He did have a solution. When I felt most discouraged, most defeated, robbed, and broken was just the start of it. It was the beginning of a transformation. It was the start of something new, something worth while. And having the perspective I do now, I realize that I am more useful in my brokenness than I ever was when I felt perfect. Nothing that happened was ever God's fault, and I just praise Him that in His goodness and kindness, He had the solution to it all.

I started the study on Gideon by Priscilla Shirer tonight. Her wisdom never ceases to amaze me, and she brought this truth to the surface. God has the solution. No matter who is at fault, God has a solution. He is a fixer. He is a mender, a repairer, and a miracle worker. And so praise Him for the fact that no matter what might come our way, God is gracious to have a solution and we can trust that, in the end, it will be alright.

#868 - Because God has a solution.

We can make our own plans, but the Lord gives the right answer. - Proverbs 16:1


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