Reason #872

We made it to Guatemala! Aaron and I got up at 4:00AM, and it feels like we've been awake for days. The good thing is that excitement has kicked in, and so that is what's keeping our eyes open until we finally get to go to bed.

Guatemala is beautiful! I really can't even describe it. It's lush and green and the weather is amazing. I completely underestimated the temperature. It is so cool, and it has rained on us quite a bit this evening. I had a window seat on the flight in, and the views were breathtaking. It's amazing how beauty and poverty can coincide, and in places like Guatemala, places where the beauty comes from the land, you're quickly reminded of God's handiwork.

The world is a big place. Sometimes we forget that. Sometimes we think that the world revolves around us, and that we are the only ones living a life of significance. We forget that there are billions of people who have gone before us and just as many that are coming after us. That each of us, every single, living, breathing human being who has ever existed and will ever exist, is created in God's image. That He knows the story line for every single one of us. That He has a plan for every single one of us. And that He cares about every single one of us just as much as the rest.

Jesus came to serve those He loved, and so that's all inclusive. All people, all races, all nationalities, all tribes and tongues. Jesus came to wash their feet. Jesus came to offer grace and forgivness and salvation. To give us, every single one of us, hope. Because we're all a part of the plan, of God's bigger plan. And this week, Aaron and I are going to get to wash the feet of Jesus' children, of those made in God's image, because it's all a part of the plan.

God has a plan for us. Part of that plan includes this trip. The opportunity to go and serve, and to do it in this manner. And God has a plan for the feet that we will wash. Because God has sent us to give them shoes and share His love, and He has called them to receive it. And so maybe their hearts will be changed. Maybe the plan of receiving new shoes isn't simply to keep their feet clean and free from scrapes and scratches, but maybe that plan is to save their souls. To share with them the hope that we have. To remined them that God sees them, He knows them, He cares about them, and He sent His son for them.

But maybe another part of that plan is to change our hearts. To remind us that there is more to God's plan, to what He is doing, than what is going on in our own little world. To show us that God's love knows no bounds and that He is sufficient for all people in all places. Maybe it's to give us a little glimpse into what our future holds, or maybe it's simply to stretch, challenge, and refine us so that we'll look more like Him.

He knows the feet. He knew the feet before the shoes were bought. Before the shoes were made, before the shoes were on the shelves, before the shoes had even been designed, thought up, and before shoes had ever been invented, He knew the feet. He knew the feet that would receive, He knew the feet that would bring, and He called each one by name. He gave each one a purpose, a plan, and we pray that the shoes designed to protect soles would lead to saved hearts, renewed spirits, and that all of our lives would be changed.

#872 - Because the feet that receive and the feet that bring are all part of God's greater plan.

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!" - Romans 10:13-15


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