Reason #5

For the past 4 days, I have really looked forward to writing about my reasons to smile. I haven't really even had to think twice about what made me smile each day, but for some reason I'm having a harder time today. Today was not a bad day, so I think it's time for me to get analytical. I had a good day at work, ate lots of good food (way too many Rolo's at work... if we are what we eat then I should have chosen pretzel sticks), soaked up some sun by taking a walk with my two favorite gals, watched my favorite shows and enjoyed some quality family time. As I reflect on my day, I see that really, a lot of good things happened. Some days we can't see the forest for the trees, and I think today was one of those days... until now. My intent for starting this blog was to recognize and record the good things in my life so that they aren't overshadowed. I knew I would have days like today where the enemy would try to convince me that everything is going wrong. Well, he's wrong. The truth is, good things are happening.

Today I had the privilege of getting to set up "dates" with two of my sweet friends. One of them I'll see soon and one I'll see in May. I know I'll definitely have some good smiles from our time together, as I do with all of my precious friends. Really, I'd like to write about each one of my friends tonight, but there's not enough space and it's a "work night" so I'll make sure to blog the many smiles they bring as time goes by. As I've journeyed through these last 4 months, I have been surrounded by so many incredible people. I was talking to my Grandmother a few weeks ago and she said, "Brittnye, you have more friends than you can count." She is right! My friends have been a source of encouragement and strength. They have been warriors and have stood firmly beside me as I've stared life in the face. They've helped me to be brave. They've given me wisdom. They've shown me immeasurable amounts of love. They've held me up and supported me on days when I wanted to curl up and die. They've spoken the right words at the right time. They've protected me. They've watched out for me. They've hugged me, cried with me, prayed for me, laughed with me and comforted me. This is just a short list of the many things my friends have done for me. Proverbs 18:24 tells us that "a real friend sticks closer than a brother." I think about these people that have been placed in my life and I am just so humbled. I am blown away by the outpouring of love they've given me. I googled "friendship quotes" tonight because well, it's late and I can't think of any off the top of my head (plus, I took melatonin so things are starting to shut down). Anyhow, I found a great quote that says, "A good friend knows all your stories, a best friend has lived them with you." Boy, do I have the BEST friends in the world. I sure hope I can be the type of friend my friends have been to me.

As I've exhausted the word "friend" tonight, the song "A Friend's a Friend Forever" by Michael W. Smith has been playing in my head. I used to listen to his cassette tape back in the day and had this song memorized. I don't remember all of the verses now, but I do remember the chorus. The part that sticks out to me says, "a friend's a friend forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them." Now granted, this early 90's music can sometimes be cheesy, it's true. The Lord has supplied me with an abundance of wonderful friends, and I am so thankful that they're my forever friends!

Reason #4 - My friends. You'll never know how much you all mean to me. Thank you for giving me numerous reasons to smile!

Proverbs 20:6 - "Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?" [I can!]


  1. I feel so blessed to be counted among your friends! I love you and cannot WAIT for your visit in May (I just hope I can squeeze all the fun things into 5 days)!


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