Reason #220

I drove to Abilene tonight. Out of town for work again this week. Two weeks ago I was in Abilene, however, my boss came with me. She did all the driving and I contently rode in the passenger's seat. I didn't pay attention to where she drove, as I was just along for the ride. She knew where she was going and I trusted that she'd get us to where we needed to be.

I set out from Lubbock this evening and I knew exactly how to get to Abilene. I've driven this direction a million times, so I didn't really have to think about the path I was taking. I drove without confusion, and right before I got into Abilene's city limits, the sun went down. It was dark, darker than usual. It was also only 8:30, which upset me a little because the sun is going down earlier now. Anyway, I really didn't know where I was going. I knew the name of the hotel and I figured I'd just naturally end up there. I figured I would notice some landmarks and be able to successfully navigate my way. Well, the fact that it was pitch black didn't really help, so I just kept driving. After a while, the city lights came to an end and I realized I was totally lost. Of course, I am the most directionally challenged person to ever exist, which is exactly why I'll be living in Lubbock the rest of my life. I didn't have GPS, I didn't have a map, I didn't even know where I was. I know people in Abilene, but even if I called them for help, I couldn't tell them where I was located. So I drove in circles. I couldn't read any of the road signs, I couldn't figure out how or where to turn around, but I did know I was not going in the right direction.

I took a chance and took the first exit I saw, which then came to a fork in the road. Great! I chose to take a right because you can't go wrong if you go right, right? Well, after driving down a little back road with no lights for a good bit, I finally saw a store at the end of the road. I began to feel a little more at ease, and decided I would just stop and ask for directions. I pulled into the parking lot only to realize this was an adult video store. Scratch that idea! I took a moment to try and figure out how to use the GPS on my phone, but did I mention that I am also technologically challenged? I pulled out of the parking lot on to an access road and headed to the right again. After a few mintues of driving, I saw a lot of bright lights. Just like a bug, I gravitated towards them. At least I could see where I was going this time. I continued towards the lights and found myself in the parking lot of the Abilene Zoo. That's right, the zoo. Obviously, not where I needed to be. I felt completely helpless. So, I sat in the car, laughed at myself, tried to keep from stressing out, and did the only thing I could think of.  Google to the rescue!

Now, I can't read a map to save my life. I have no idea which direction is north, south, east or west. I'm a landmark girl. Tell me what to look for, preferably a store, and I can find my way. Well, I finally figured out how to get the Google App on my phone so I could look up directions. The world would be an easier place to navigate through if all city streets were alphabetized like they are in Lubbock, but unfortunately, that's not the case in Abilene. I finally got directions and I set off from the zoo parking lot. Fifteen minutes later I found myself in the hotel parking lot completely relieved and a little surprised and proud that I was able to finally get myself to the hotel after going on such a wild adventure.

Should have been prepared. I should have paid attention, too. But I didn't. I didn't look up directions before I left home and I didn't bother to make mental notes as a passenger two weeks ago. Shame on me. I knew better. And I realized how often I do this in life. I just figure it out as I go. I keep heading one direction hoping it's the right one. Next thing I know, I'm completely lost and confused. I don't know where I am, I don't know how I got there, all I know is I need to turn around. I need to be resuced. I need help! And it's in the darkness when it's hardest. Not only are you lost, but you can't even see where you are. And so you get discouraged and maybe a little frustrated, too. Fear starts to set in as you realize you're not where you need to be, where you intended to be, where you're supposed to be. And so you have a choice, do you keep going? Do you keep relying on your failing senses to drag you further away? Do you stop, stay right there and give up? Or, do you turn around? Do you seek out His help? Do you call on the One who sees it all and knows exactly where you are? Because even when we feel lost, He sees us. Even when we have no clue where we are or how we got there, He knows exactly how to get us headed back in the right direction. And He is reliable every time. Every time, He comes to our rescue. And the truth is, even when you've gone too far, feel too lost, all you have to do is turn around. Turn around, seek Him, trust Him, and He'll be sure to get right where you're supposed to be, right where you need to be, safe and sound, every time! 

#220 - Because He turns us around so that we are headed in the right direction.

"With all my heart I want your blessings. Be merciful as you promised. I pondered the direction of my life, and I turned to follow your laws. I will hurry, without delay, to obey your commands." - Psalm 119:58-60


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