Reason #501
We got new furniture a few weeks ago, which has been an earth shattering experience for Scout. Poor girl can’t jump up on to the bed anymore to spend her nap time nestled in the pillows. She has taken this very hard, and she has made it well known. She restored to laying in her own bed, which is probably way more comfortable than our bed anyway, but she does this with much disgust. She looks so sad and dejected lying on her puffy, fleece bed as if she couldn’t possibly be more upset. But unless we pick her up and put her on the bed, she’s out of luck. She fully realizes this and has spent much time sitting in front of the bed barking. She barks when she wants up, she barks when she wants down, and the longer she has to wait, the more whiney she becomes. Of course, as horrible as she thinks this is, it’s really not. Scout still gets to sleep in the bed every night, choosing exactly where she would like to rest. Under the covers, on top of the covers, on my pillow, on Aaron’s pillow. And she usually ends up at each of those spots at least once before the morning comes. But at any rate, she is having a hard time understanding that she must wait until we put her on the bed. And more than that, we’ll decide when that happens versus allowing her to determine that. It’s been a struggle, no doubt, but she’s slowly starting to get it. It still doesn’t mean she has yet to give up her moments of relentless asking, but they are farther and fewer between.
I listened to Scout bark at the bed the other night as I was painting my nails in the bathroom. I kept telling her no, but she kept barking. You’d think, after a while, she’d get tired of barking and getting no as her answer, but she doesn’t take no for an answer. I suppose she thinks the more she barks, or the louder she gets, we’ll finally give in and do what she wants. I think her tactics of choice are to either annoy us or wear us out. But we, too, are determined that she’s going to learn obedience when it comes to getting on the bed. She may not understand why we are saying no, but it’s for a good reason. (Mainly so that our white comforter stays white for as long as possible.) But regardless of the reason, whether or not it makes sense to Scout, or whether or not she likes it, she needs to obey. And when she’s told no, she needs to take it for an answer. Something none of us really do all that well.
I think we’re all a bit like Scout one time or another. Asking and pleading and begging to have our way. And we believe that if we bark loud enough, long enough, we should get. Surely He will give in and comply. Because there may not seem like there’s a good reason we’re being told no. Why not, why can’t I have this, do this, keep that? No just seems, well, unfair. Now don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with asking. It never hurts to ask more than once, either. But when no is the resounding answer, we must accept that. Sometimes, we think, “Maybe I just didn’t hear that correctly, or maybe He just doesn’t quite understand what I’m asking for.” Friend, He knows, and sometimes the answer is no regardless of how many times you ask. It doesn’t mean He loves you any less, that He enjoys busting your bubble, or that He doesn’t really care. No may very well be the best answer for you at that time, and maybe even indefinitely.
I don’t like hearing no, either. I hate it as much as the next person. I also realize how much easier life is when I hear no and accept it, trusting that He is giving me that answer for a reason. Because God is intentional with every answer He gives, and He means no just as much as He means yes. And so a resounding no doesn't always mean keep it up, think of a different way to ask, use a different tactic, and try to wear Him down. It means that at this point, it's not what He wants for you. It means that right now, it's not the best answer. And that may not change, but if it does, He'll let you know. So be obedient to what He says. Know that there a reason and a purpose behind it. And follow the answer you get and be thankful that God who always hears our please and knows what He's doing even if it doesn't seem to make sense at the time. Eventually, it will, and when that time comes, whether it be on this side of Heaven or not, you'll be thankful that He loved you enough to tell you no.
#501 - Because He loves us enough to tell us no when no is the best answer for us.
"The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord will answer my prayer." - Psalm 6:9
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