Reason #504

I cried when I found out. Five years old and my best friend was moving. Even if it was just 3 hours away it seemed like light years. We had known each other our whole lives, after all. We were about to start first grade and we would have gone to the same elementary school, the one where she attended kindergarten. Now, I was going to have to be the "new girl" all by myself without my one friend to help me get started. Well I made it through just fine, much to my initial disappointment. She did, too.  And fortunately, gas was cheap and our mom's were teachers so we got to spend holidays and weeks during the summer together.

She moved back just in time for college. My safety blanket. I didn't have to go anywhere by myself, we could go together. And so we braved this new chapter in life together. We started college, found a church home, made new friends, and became roommates. I stood by her side when she got married, and she stood by mine, too. And over the past 25 years of life, we've experienced a lot together. You see, the beauty of it is that it has been a lifetime. Not many people are fortunate to have a friend for a lifetime. To have someone who knows you really well, loves you a whole lot, would take a bullet for you, always has your back, is 1000% reliable, and will always be a friend forever no matter what may come, is a rare find.

Well, things have come and gone in our lives. We've walked through valleys together and we've celebrated on the mountain tops together. And tonight, a little group of my family gathered at our house to give Lauren and Chad a impromptu surprise going away party before they head to Houston on Monday. A huge life change, and I sort of feel like that little 5 year old girl again. The little girl who is going to terribly miss her friend, her safety blanket. But God moves us, and our lives change, and sometimes hours and miles are involved in the process.

I've thought about this for the past few weeks. And Lauren, if you're reading this, I'm sorry that this might make you cry. But I've thought about the fact that I won't be able to randomly call her for dinner dates. That I won't see her around at church. That I won't be able to run by and borrow something or spend the majority of my holidays with her. I thought about how our time together will be limited because of the distance, that our future babies won't get to have play dates, that we won't know the same people anymore. Our circles will change, our environment will be different, and the simple fact that we can't meet up in a mere 15 minutes at a moment's notice will be a tough adjustment to make. You know, you get older and life changes. Plans change, jobs change, relationships change, everything changes. But I find comfort in realizing that even though everything is going to change, our friendship won't. And as cheesy as this line is going to sound, neither will our bond. Because she is more than just a friend, she's family, and nothing will ever change that.

God is gracious to place people in our lives when we need them most. He has done this for me with Lauren. Because when I was scared and nervous to start college, unsure of how I would fit in or make friends because I was, believe it or not, a little shy, she was there. And when I was afraid to attend an event because I didn't know who all would be there, I knew she would go with me and I wouldn't be alone. And when I walked through the most devastating time in my life, I knew that she would be there for me. I knew she would be a true friend, and a true friend she was. And when God's miracles began to take place in my life, I knew she'd celebrate with me. The beauty of family is that you just get each other. You just understand. There's this deep abiding love and connection to where you just know. And  I feel like we've had that. No matter what we've been through, what we've said, how we've acted, the changes we've undergone or the circumstances life has thrown our way, I just always knew I could trust her, count on her, and that she'd love and accept me regardless. I can only hope she knows I'd do the same.

And so it's time for Lauren and Chad to begin a new chapter in life. Not that her work here is done, by any means, and not that I don't still need her. But God has put us both in amazing places, and so I understand. I realize that we'll both be just fine even if we are 9 hours apart. Doesn't mean I'll love her any less or that we'll lose the relationship we've got. It just means that I'll have a fun place to visit, and when she's feeling a little homesick for Lubbock, she'll have a place to come to. And so I'm forever grateful for getting to spend the past 8 years together. For the moments we've shared. The Lord knew I needed her every single one of those years, and I'm glad He let her stay here to see me through it all.

So, Lauren, I love you. I'll miss you more than you know. And I can't thank you enough for all you've done for me over the past 8 years. For loving me unconditionally, for being the best friend a girl could ask for, for giving me courage, for being patient with me, for living with me, making incredible memories with me, keeping my jeans tight due to the constant pan of brownies you kept around during college, for standing by my side through thick and thin, for being loyal and trustworthy, for supporting me, and for praying for me. I could never find another friend like you, and I'm glad I don't ever have to. And so here's to new beginnings, to long weekend trips to Houston, and to the fact that I now officially have a guest bedroom set up and ready for hosting visitors!

#504 - For the past 8 years!

‘May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace.’ - Numbers 6:24-26


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