Reason #191

I sat in my living room, eagerly eating a delicious pinterest recipe, surrounded by a group of 12 amazing girls, as we watched true love play out on live TV. Okay, maybe I'm stretching it a bit on the true love part. We watched the Bachelorette Finale tonight and we squealed and giggled with every cheesy line that was spoken. We also rooted on Jef, our favorite, and were thrilled when he was picked as the winner. And so, just like every other girl, we sat, capitvated, by Jef's propsal speech and gawked at the ginormous ring he placed on Emily's finger. We 'ooooh-ed' and 'awwww-ed' and, we had us one heck of a girl's night. A night full of cheesy romance, carbs, sugar, laughter and secrets!

And I just feel completely blessed as I sit here typing away at a very late hour. But truthfully, I don't care. I would stay up even later just to hang out with these sweet friends. I've been thinking about how therapeutic girl-friend time is. How much good it can do a heart to be surrounded by like-minded, sweet friends who will laugh with you, make you turn red by asking you embarrassing questions because everyone wants to know anyways, friends who like to make up fun little scenarios, girls who become your cheerleaders and get super excited to share secrets and stories, and friends who really want the best for you.

We live in a society where people thrive on the failure of others. We want to see people fall, we love drama, and as horrible as it sounds, some times we secretly like to see others fail so that we can feel a little better about our own inadequicies. But it's so refreshing to have a group of friends who are real. Friends who are willing to share their hearts, hurt for you, cry with you, cheer you up, and laugh with you. Friends who really want you to do well, who build you up, who make a point to get to know the real you rather than solely what you can offer them. And I've been beyond blessed to make so many dear friends just like this!

I did A LOT of hanging with my parents for many, many months. I love them to pieces and I enjoy every moment I spend with them, but my mom kept telling me, "Brittnye, you need to hang out with girls your age." Well, I would have liked to have taken her advice but the only problem was, I didn't know any. So as I called my mom tonight to fill her in on the details of the Batchelorette (because I'm sure she cared just as much as we did even though she hadn't seen a single episode), she said, "This has been my biggest prayer request for you. I have prayed that God would bless you with really good girlfriends. I was just asking that He give you maybe 1 or 2 close ones. I had no idea He was going to go so overboard and bless you with this many!"

Once again, there He goes, totally out-doing himself. Giving me way, way more than I deserve because He is so generous and gracious. And all because we ask, we trust, and believe He'll meet our needs. Because He knew what I needed.  He knew exactly what my heart needed and He had the perfect plan in place all along to meet that very need.

And so I praise Him for girlfriends. For opportunities to have girls nights filled with sappy romance, fattening but delicious food, laughter, hugs and good ole' fashion girl talk. And I thank Him for each sweet, beautiful girl who sat in my living room tonight. How my heart is blessed beyond measure by a God who not only is a provider of our needs, but a God who is also a dear, dear friend to me!

#191 - Good old-fashioned girls nights, and a God who is our friend!

"The Lord is a friend to those who fear him." - Psalm 25:14


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